Enter and Edit Cost Sheet

Enter and Edit Cost Sheet

To create a new Cost Sheet enter the Sheet and Description

Enter this Cost Sheet reference. It is recommended that it be sequentially numbered but it can be Alpha/numeric

Enter the description for this Cost Sheet OR a generic description until you can update with a Product Code in the next screen.

Job Code
Enter the job Code if required for the Cost Sheet. This can be maintained at a later point.
Double Click on the Cost Sheet line to take you to Cost Sheet Edit/Entry.

To overwrite the description: Put the cursor on the Product Code and enter a Product Code (Press F4 to search) and this will bring in the Description from the Product Code for the description of the Cost Sheet.

Work Centre
This will default this Work Centre code throughout the Cost Sheet. Leave blank unless you are equating a Work Centre with a whole cost sheet. This would only be the case if you were using Job Work Centres and were identifying the work from a chronological perspective. The Work Centre can be entered on the individual Cost Sheet transaction lines or will default from the Activity Code.

Price Code
This sets the default retail price code for all the Cost Transactions if you are pricing from the individual Cost Sheet transaction lines.
You can change the Price Code by entering a new code. A message comes up.

Job Code
Select a valid Job Code from the drop down. Valid jobs are the Header or SubJobs linked to the Quote Header.

It is possible to have various parts of an accepted quote going to different jobs as long as they have a Header/SubJob relationship.
If all Cost Sheets are going to one Job, then enter this on the Quote Header and leave the Cost Sheet Job blank.

Required Date
This is a notational field only

Enter Details relevant to this Cost Sheet.

If you have used a Product Code to bring through a Description it will also populate the Details field with the Details on the Item.
If you have ticked "Invoice Cost Sheet" the Details appear on the Invoice.

Invoice Cost Sheet
Tick this box if you want an invoice line generated for this Cost Sheet when you accept the Quote.
If you are Invoicing the Cost Sheet you must not have any "I" lines when you build up the Cost Sheet lines.

Copy Cost Sheet
Use this facility to bring in Cost Sheets from an existing Quote or Template.

  • Select Quote or Template to copy from. This will display all Cost Sheets from which you Select and Confirm.
  • You have the facility to search for the Quote or Template and to reprice and recost the new Quote. This will reprice from the Item, Employee Class, Price Code or Activity. Otherwise the Price will remain consistent with the Copied Template or Quote.

Reprice / Recost
Use this facility to reprice or recost the specified Cost Sheet.

Cost Sheet Lines
Once the Cost Sheet is set up you have a number of options to build up the Cost Sheet line detail.

Items - Stock Items and Bills (Sub Assemblies).
Plant - From the Plant module
Activities - Purchase via A/P and any job adjustments. If the Plant module is not being used then plant is entered through Activities.
Time - To record Employees time.