Create and View Estimate

Create and View Estimate

Allows input for Originator, Date and Estimate Type.


  • Once you have created the Estimate the Button becomes View Estimate. This takes you to Job Estimate/Budget entry screen. This defaults to the Header Job Budget and the Job Dropdown is greyed out.

Should you wish to view the SubJob Budgets tick the box and all of the SubJobs will be displayed in the Job Dropdown.

Double Click takes you to the Job Budget maintenance screen

The Job Budget is automatically approved by the Quote Originator.

All estimates from quoting are at Work Centre and Activity level only.


  • Every Cost Sheet line has to have a Work Centre. Whether it is a normal Cost Sheet line, a SubAssembly line or a QVA line (Quote Value Adjustment). When the line is created the Work Centre can default from a number of places and can be amended if required.

As a general rule the Work Centre that is defaulted through to every line is the Default Work Centre from the Activity Code. This is always the last priority. Following is other priority rules.

1st Priority If there is a Work Centre entered on the Cost Sheet Header this will always be used as the default Work Centre on every Cost Sheet line in that Cost Sheet except Sub Assembly lines.

2nd Priority If there is a Work Centre code on Bill of Material Lines these will be used as the default Work Centre on every Sub Assembly transaction in the quote.

3rd Priority Where you choosing an Item the Work Centre that is defaulted through is the Default Work Centre from the Activity Code on that Item.
These are the default Work Centre Values and can be maintained.

The Work Centre on the QVA is the default Work Centre for the Activity code set up in the Control Parameter. QVA is always treated as revenue


  • If there is a Cost or Sell value on a Cost Sheet line (including a normal Cost Sheet line, a SubAssembly line or a QVA line) the Work Centre for that line will be the Work Centre in the Estimate.


Sub Assembly with Use Pricing ticked. (For Revenue only) Use Revenue Estimate will also be ticked.

  • It uses the WC from the SubAssembly Header.

Sub Assembly with Use Revenue Estimate ticked.

  • It uses the WC from the SubAssembly Header.

Sub Assembly with Use Cost Estimate ticked.

  • It uses the WC from the SubAssembly Header.


Cost estimates will always be at the individual cost line level except for Sub Assemblies. With Sub Assemblies you have the option to summarise the Cost lines into one estimate line. This is dictated by a flag on the Cost Sheet Item.

If the Item Line is a SubAssembly then if you tick "Use Cost Estimate" the SubAssembly will summarise to one line for the estimate.

When Revenue is being generated at the Quote Header Level or the Cost Sheet Header level the Revenue estimate will always be at a summarized level. There will be one line for either the quote header amount or the Cost Sheet Header amount.

Where the Item on a Cost Sheet is a SubAssembly there are two scenarios:

  • If "Use Pricing" is ticked the Revenue Estimate will always be summarised as one line. The "Use Revenue Estimate" box will always be ticked. The reason is that the revenue is only one line as it comes from the Item as the "Use Pricing" box is ticked.
  • If "Use Pricing" is not ticked the Revenue Estimate can then be either on a Bill line basis or summarized depending on whether the "Use Revenue Estimate" box is ticked. If you tick "Use Revenue Estimate" the SubAssembly will summarise to one line for the estimate.