Cost Sheet Items

Cost Sheet Items

Items cover Stock Items and Bills. It will cover purchasing through Accounts Payable if you are purchasing a Catalogue Line.

F4 Lookup
This gives an option to:

  • display Sell Rate or Cost Rate
  • select just the Bill of Material Items.
  • Select Sub Assemblies (Bill of Materials) only

Once the Item/s has been chosen it populates a line on the Cost Sheet Item line

A line Item can be one of two types:

  • Normal Line
  • Sub Assembly. This is the use of a Bill of Materials.
    The SubAssembly line is distinguished by the Sub Assembly box ticked. Should the line be a Sub Assembly, the 3 check boxes "Use Pricing", "Use Cost Estimate", "Use Revenue Estimate" become available.

The Process Flag determines how each line will be processed on Quote Acceptance and Create Procurement.

Enter the quantity for this quote. Remember that if the Bill is made for 100 units then a quantity of 1 here on the Cost Sheet line will be for a quantity of 100. If you copy in a Sub Assembly line from another quote or Template you have to re-enter the quantity for the values to recalculate.

Cost Rate
This will come from the Item. If the Item was a Bill it will be the Rate per one of those Bill Items.

Sell Rate
The Sell rate will depend on whether the Cost Sheet line is a Sub Assembly. If the line is not a Sub Assembly the Sell rate will come from the Item bearing in mind the Priority for distinguishing the Sell Price.

If the Cost Sheet line is a Bill (Sub Assembly is ticked at the bottom of the screen:

  • Sell Rate will come from the Item set up for the Bill.
  • If the Bill is not ticked as "Use Pricing" then the Sell Rate will come from the individual sell rates on each of the Bill Lines bearing in mind the Priority for distinguishing the Sell Price.

Use Pricing

  • For Sub Assembly lines only.
  • If Ticked. Sell Rate will come from the Item set up for the Bill.
  • If not ticked. Sell Rate will come from the individual sell rates on each of the Bill Lines.
  • The "Price from Item" button on the Bill of Materials is the default position for this Sub Assembly but when utilized in a Cost Sheet you have the option to over-ride this default.

Use Cost Estimate

  • When an Estimate is created it is normally produced at the Cost Sheet line level utilizing the Activity and Work Centre attached to that line. For Sub Assembly lines only ticking this Cost Estimate Flag gives the ability to Consolidate the Cost Estimate at the SubAssembly Item line

Use Revenue Estimate

  • When an Estimate is created it is normally produced at the Cost Sheet line level utilizing the Activity and Work Centre attached to that line. For Sub Assembly lines only ticking this Revenue Estimate Flag gives the ability to Consolidate the Revenue Estimate at the SubAssembly Item line. For Sub Assemblies that are Priced at the Item Code level with "Use Pricing" Use Revenue Estimate is mandatory.
  • For Sub Assembly lines you can drill into the next level to view the build up of the Bill.
  • The first column highlights whether the line is an Item, Activity, Labour or Plant line.


  • This defaults to "N", that the line will not be used to create Purchases or Invoices.
  • This needs to be changed to reflect the process required for this bill line.

For Item lines. Stock and Non Stock. Procurement will generate I's & P's. Suppliers can be linked through Catalogues.
For Activity lines. Procurement will generate I's & P's. Suppliers can be linked through Catalogues.
For Plant and Labour lines. Procurement will generate I's but no P's.


  • This is the total required quantity for this Cost Sheet. If the Bill of Materials stated .05 and the Cost Sheet line said 100 then the Sub Assembly line quantity would be 5. If the Sub Assembly line is Fixed the quantity will remain the same as the Bill of Materials.

Cost Rate

  • This is the cost rate per Sub Assembly line defaulting through from the Bill. This can be over-ridden.

Sell Rate

  • This is the sell rate per Sub Assembly line defaulting through from the Bill. This can be over-ridden.
  • The bottom of the screen highlights the specific information from the Bill of Materials for each line of the Sub Assembly.


  • It identifies if the line was fixed.


  • This will be the range of possible suppliers for that Item line from the Catalogue set up for that Item. You can also select F4 and select a Supplier for that Catalogue.