Quote Provisions

Quote Provisions

The Quote Provision is a function within the Quote module, that allows the user to enter a range of activities and provision percentages, that will then create either a new "PROV code" Cost sheet with provision transactions for that quote, or provision transactions for each existing Cost Sheet.

The provision transactions will have a cost and sales value. Both Values will be calculated based on the Provision Activities and Provision Percentages entered on the Provision tab (defaulting from the Control Parameter). The calculation maintains the same margin on the quote.

A "Provisions tab" is provided on the "Quote screen".


  • Set up Activity Codes with a "Type" of "Provision"
  • Every Activity that is setup can be a specific provision that will calculate a Cost and Sell Quote transaction
  • Enter these Activity Codes and a % in the Control Parameter "Default Provisions Activity Codes". This provides for the default position for the provision in the quote.
  • Go to the Provision Tab within Quotes
  • Manually enter the Provision Activities with a % or bring in the Default Provision from the Control Parameter.


  • Every Cost Sheet.
  • Once for the whole quote entered into a special Cost Sheet called "Prov"

The Provisions values can be updated at any time by reclicking the "Update Provisions" button - it does not happen automatically.
Updating will first delete the already calculated provision transactions and recalculate, so that there is no chance of duplicating the provision, or calculating a provision on a provision.

Note that the provisions created are maintain the margin on the quote.