Bill of Materials
Bill of Materials
A Bill of Material is the "recipe" for making an item (it is like an interim Finished Good). You can only have one level of Bill. Once this Bill is brought as a Sub Assembly into the quote it can be amended specifically for that quote.
Select to create a new Bill of Material.
When creating a new Bill of Materials the Item code must already exist in Maintain Items.
- I, A, P or L lines are available
- I = Materials from the Item already set up
- A = Activity Codes. This would include Purchases of Non Stock items. If you are not using the Plant module but Disbursements for plant entry you would enter here through Activities.
- P = Plant codes
- L = Labour. A Time Activity and an Employee Class are required.
- Enter the Quantity for the manufacture of 1 of these components. If the component is 100 items then the quantity will be the number to manufacture 100 of those items. The quantity can go to 4 decimal places.
- This is a display of the total cost for that line. The rate per Item is displayed for that line under Unit Cost at the bottom of the screen.
- Tick the Fixed box if the cost is fixed for the manufacture of many of these items. Leave blank if the cost is variable dependent on the number manufactured.
- You can specify details on the bill which flow through into the SubAssemblies.
- You can enter a Work Centre or allow the system to default the Work Centre from the Activity Code.
- This is a notational field highlighting the Item quantity that this Bill represents.
The Selling Price of the Bill of Material can be built up from:
- The sell rate on each line transaction. In the first instance from the Price Code specified on the Cost Sheet Header. Then from:
Item - From the Item
Labour - from the Employee Class
Plant (Disbursement) - from the Activity Code
The sell rate on the item code. (Note: The Activity code for the Estimate comes from the Item.)
- Leave the Price from Item code blank if you want the default Selling Rate for this Bill of Material to come from the Selling Price on each of the Bill of Material Lines. If you are pricing from the sell rates on the transaction lines then you cannot over-ride the rate.
- Tick the Price from Item if you want the default Selling Value for this Bill of Material to come from the Item. This price can be over-ridden when finalizing your Cost Sheet at a later time.
*This Price from Item is the default position for this Bill of Materials but when utilized in a Cost Sheet you have the option to over-ride this default.
, multiple selections available,
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