Price Code

Price Code

Every Quote Header and every Cost Sheet has designated a Price Code.

Price Codes are used to determine the selling prices to be applied to the different Cost Sheet lines.

Includes Items, Plant and Activities. The Sell rate can be specified at the Activity or Item level.

The Sell rate can be specified at the Activity, Employee Class or Employee level.

If there is a conflict in priority within the Price Code it works from left to right along the Price Code unless you have specified a High or Low Priority. For example a specified Person may also belong to an Employee Class that has been setup.

The Price Code is the first order of Priority for a Cost Sheet line's Selling Rate. If there is no relevant Price Code for that Cost Sheet line the Selling price comes from the next order of Priority.

Items - From the Item Masterfile
Plant - From the Plant Masterfile
Labour - From the Employee Class
Disbursements - From the Activity Code

These selling values are applied to Cost Sheet lines at time of original data entry, when Repriced if you are copying a Cost Sheet or when you change the Price Code on the Quote Header or Cost Sheet.