Enter Job Purchase Invoices

Enter Job Purchase Invoices

This screen is provided to enable the entering of Suppliers Invoices.

Within a Batch, the Record Browser makes it possible to move backwards and forwards through all the Invoices in the Batch. This is useful for finding errors in data entry when the Batch Totals displayed do not agree with those calculated manually.

Include Closed
By default, the system will display all the open batches of Invoices that have been entered. Via this option, Users have the ability to amend batches; it is not necessary to enter all Invoices in one batch and then close the batch.The batch remains open until closed by the User. Ticking the 'Include Closed' checkbox will display all Open (can be edited) and Closed (cannot be edited) batches

Batch Number
Enter a Batch Number or select one from this list. If a new Batch is to be created, leave this field blank and press the New Record button .

Batch Date
If you choose create a new batch, this field will determine the Year/Period for the AP Transactions in this batch. Once the Batch data is complete press OK and enter the Supplier and Invoice detail.

Invoice Number
Enter the Invoice Number from the Supplier's Invoice.

Invoice Date
Enter the Date showing op the Supplier's Invoice.

Payment Date
After entering the Invoice Date, the system will calculate and display a default entry. This date will be based on the information entered for Payment Terms on the Supplier's Master record (see the Setting up Workbench, Master Tables, Clients/Suppliers section of this manual for further information). The default date may be altered if required.

FC Code
The currency of the invoice being entered.

FC Rate
The exchange Rate based on the selected currency this will default from the FC Code but can be overwritten if required.

If this Purchase Invoice is linked to a Purchase Order and the FC Rate on the Purchase Order was flagged as Fixed then the FC Rate from the Purchase Order will be brought through to the Purchase Invoice upon selecting the PO, the Fixed flag will also be checked on the invoice.

Supplier [WBFUT:F4]
Enter, or use the <F4> for either the Supplier Number or Supplier Alpha.

If this Invoice relates to a Purchase Order, you can select an outstanding Purchase Order here.

This field displays the current status of the Invoice being displayed. When an Invoice is being created, this field will display the "Entered" status.

Approved By
If being used, this field shows the person who has Approved the processing of this invoice

Comment (tab)
Enter any textual information or notes which may be relevant to this Invoice.

Purchase Order
It is optional to match a Supplier's Invoice with a Purchase Order. Available Purchase Orders for this Supplier are accessible from the list attached to this field. Note: If there is a Purchase Order you need to confirm the PO otherwise the PO Commitment will always be outstanding against the job. PO's will need to be approved before they can have an invoice processed against them.

Select a Purchase Order by pressing [WBFUT:F4] in the PO No field.
This will bring up the Purchase Order Selection screen, select the desired Purchase Order from the drop down list and click 'OK' this will bring up the 'Confirm Purchase Order' screen.

Confirm Purchase Orders
Depending on the Admin Function selected the screen will display either the PO lines that have been receipted or the PO Lines that are still outstanding

  • ALT D = Defaults
  • ALT C = Confirm

If the whole Purchase Order has been fully received, "pressing" the Defaults button completes the Order without any other actions being necessary, other than "pressing" the Confirm button to accept this change.
It is acceptable to alter the 'This Invoice' Quantity or Value. If, for example, all the items on the Purchase Order have been received, but at a different Rate from that which was originally entered on the Order, then to the ensure the correct Invoicing line results from these actions, you must change the Value and the Quantity Received. A simple partial receipt would require the Quantity only to be altered. Each line will automatically Complete if the Full qty and value is entered in 'This invoice'. If you specify a lesser Qty you can still complete the line by ticking the Complete box on the line but you have to compete it first and then change the qty or value. If all the lines are complete the Completed box on the Header will also be ticked. This information will automatically update the Purchase Order.
If the Purchase Order is a multi-line Order, for every line "receipted" on the Order, a line is created on the Invoice.
After making any alterations to the Purchase Order (either manually or through the use of the Defaults button) it is necessary to "press" the Confirm button to save the changes and return to the Invoicing screen. An Invoice line will be created as a result.
No Invoice line will be created if the Close button is pressed before Confirming.

It is now possible to edit the invoice lines that have been created, select another Purchase Order and/or add further lines that do not relate to Purchase Orders.

Job Code
If a selection is made from available Purchase Orders and an Invoice line is subsequently generated, this field will default to the Job Number associated with that Purchase Order line. This entry can be altered if necessary.
If creating an Invoice line manually (i.e. without selecting a Purchase Order), a Job Code can be entered manually or the <F4> Job Search is available to assist in making a selection.
A single Invoice can consist of lines created both manually and via a Purchase Order selection.

The Activity Code from the Purchase Order will be displayed in this field if the line is created from a Purchase Order. The Activity Code so displayed, can be altered at the Users discretion. If a line is being created manually, an Activity must be selected from the list. The Activity Group from the job will dictate the possible range of Activity codes.
The Activity Code holds the General Ledger Account Code which will be used for the mapping of exported transactions through to your Financial system.

Work Centre
The default Work Centre attached to the Activity Group; / Activity Code or the Work Centre recorded on the Purchase Order will generate the entry which will display in this field. Another selection can be made from the list attached to this field if necessary. The use of Job Work Centres will dictate the possible range of Work Centres

This value will default through from the Purchase Order maintenance or can be added manually. The number entered into this field is not used for any calculations.

It is acceptable to enter either a Net Value (before GST) or the Gross Value or Total. Whichever field is used, the appropriate values for the other two will be calculated and displayed. The value of the GST is based on the GST Rate in the field above.

Any notes which had been attached to the Purchase Order line will be brought through to the Invoice and can be edited within this program. For manually entered Invoice Lines you can enter line details here.

Displays the Job name for the currently selected invoice line

Displays the Description of the Activity Code for the select invoice line

Invoice Totals
These three fields display the accumulated values for the Invoice being entered or maintained.

GST Rate
This is the current rate as used in the GST Calculation for this Invoice

GST Type
An optional code to be used if required by the host Accounts Payable system.

Refresh Batch Totals
These three fields display the accumulated totals of these fields for the Batch as a whole and the display can be updated by "pressing" the 'Refresh Batch Totals' button.

PO line has been sold.
You can sell PO Lines through Input Based Invoicing. The system writes the Invoice Number and Sell Value back to the PO Line so that when the PO is confirmed in AP Invoicing the system notifies you if the AP invoice value is greater than the Sold value.

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