Bill of Materials (BOM)

Bill of Materials (BOM)

To create a Bill of Materials you must:

  • Create an Item. (It is probably a good idea to create a Category of "BOM" so that they are easy to search for. It is also a good idea to start the BOM Items with 'BOM' or some signifying start point)

Then make it a Bill of Materials.

Press "New" and select the Item that you have just created.

Price from Item
This is not relevant for Schedule based quoting where the 'Sell' comes from the Schedule Line. It is utilised for normal quoting where a BOM is used to build up the 'Cost' and 'Sell' in a Cost Sheet. In this instance the 'Sell' can come from the Item or the retail rates on the individual Bill Lines


  • L - Labour. Enter the Employee Class and Activity Code. The Employee Class drop down shows the Unit Cost Rates. This will help with your Employee Class selection but it will populate the unit Rate with 0. DO NOT put in a unit Cost for Labour or it will not allow this line to be used in the Schedule. It calculates the Line from the Employee Class at time of importing the BOM into the Schedule Detail Line. If you want labour but not by employee class you will need to treat it as an 'A' type.
  • P - Plant. Enter the Item Code or search (F4). The Activity Code will default. Choose the Rate Code. Unit Cost will default from the Rate Code on the Plant Item.
  • I - Stock Item. Enter the Item Code or search (F4). The Activity Code will default. Unit Cost will default from the Item.
  • A - Enter the Activity Code and Unit Cost

Be careful with your selection as it is not validated from the Quote or Cost Sheet Activity Group on Import.

The Qty will be per M3 (but this can be changed in the Quote Line Details)

Tick if fixed. You can have a fixed component that will remain static regardless of the Qty in the Schedule Line when utilised.

Details entered here are imported into the detail on the Schedule Detail Line.

Work Centre
Note that each line on the BOM can have a Work Centre. This takes priority over all the other default possibilities.

Bill Type
This is not used in the import. Control Parameter default is used. There is also a Control Parameter which Allows/Disallows Procurement from BOM's

A good idea is to Create a Standard Bill to aid populating the Schedule Line Detail. This can bring through all the lines from the BOM into the Schedule Line Details, then you can delete rows and change Quantity and Rates etc. Quantity can be 0.