Plant Road User Charges (RUC's)

The concept of Road user Charges for Plant Items applies to New Zealand only.
Charges are made per kilometer traveled by certain classes of vehicle. These Road user charges (RUC's) are purchased in advance representing kilometers purchased by individual vehicle. They are applied to a particular vehicle at time of purchase.

The Plant module manages the recording of these RUC purchases, and the display of the unexpired balance of the RUC's.

In summary:

Set up

  • Make one of the Meter Codes a RUC Meter and Set up the Cumulative Meters in Plant Maintenance
  • Set up the RUC's still to run through Job Adjustments

On Going

  • Purchase RUC's direct to the Plant Item using the RUC Activity Code.
  • Monitor how much pre paid RUC's are left as you do regular meter Readings and regular reports.

Road User Charge Meter

  • One meter on the vehicle will be the designated Road User Charge meter, through the attachment of a Road User Charge Activity Code to the meter. This setup is done on the Plant Meters tab. Note that only one meter can be designated the RUC Meter.
  • The dropdown for the Road User Charge Activity Code allows selection from all Activity Codes with Type = Purchase which are included in the Activity Group attached to this Plant Item. Select the appropriate code as described above