Plant Service Order - First in a Sequence

Plant Service Order - First in a Sequence

Use the 'New' button to create a new PSO

It is suggested that the source of the PSO Code be the Location (being the next PSO Code as set on the Location of the logged in user). Click the 'Generate PSO Code' button to generate the next number.

If creating the PSO from a Policy, F4 on the Copy PSO, the Plant Policy Lookup screen allows the selection of a Policy or another PSO as the source of defaults

  • The selected Code is returned to the New PSO Setup screen as the source of defaults for the PSOP to be created.
  • The Reprice checkbox controls the repricing of the lines in the Cost Sheets on the PSO to current pricing
  • The Recost checkbox controls the recosting of the lines in the Cost Sheets on the PSO to current pricing
  • The user is prompted as to which Cost Sheets to use on this PSO. The 'Select All' option will always be used
  • The PSO is then automatically created, with the defaults inherited from the Plant Policy or other PSO that had been selected as the source.

Plant Service Order No: a system generated code, with the start of the number range defined in the Locations Maintenance screen

Recurring defaults from the Policy, cannot be changed

Description: the Policy Description up to 50 characters; can be changed

Policy Code: the Policy from which the PSO was derived

Service Type: defaults from the Policy, can be changed

PSO Location: this is the Plant Location where the service is going to be performed. It defaults to the Plant Location of the selected Plant Item. It can be changed unless the Lock Location checkbox is ticked.

Plant Group: defaults from the Policy, cannot be changed

Plant Class: defaults from the Policy, cannot be changed

Plant Code: defaults from the Policy, cannot be changed. Typically this will be blank in the policy, so the user will select the Plant Item to be serviced from the dropdown. It is a mandatory field. Note that the allowable Plant Items in the dropdown are filtered based on the selected Plant Group and Plant Class

Job Code: this is the Job Code against which the costs of the service are to be expensed.

  • Where these costs are to go against the Plant Item itself, the 'Use Plant Job' checkbox should be ticked, and the Job Code field will automatically be populated with the Plant Code.
  • Where these costs are to go against a separate job set up for this instance of the service, a Job Code will be created using the 'New job' button. The Job template, if any, defined on the Policy will be used as the default in this job creation.

Activity Group: defaults from the Policy, can be changed

Meter Code: where the Service Order defaults from a Policy, it cannot be changed

Service Interval: defaults from the Policy, can be changed

Elapsed Duration Hours: defaults from the Policy, can be changed

Details: user defined text describing the Policy in appropriate detail

Service Order Status: system controlled Statuses, defaults to Open

General Status: defaults from the Policy, can be changed

Created Meter Reading: this can be left blank for the first PSO in a sequence

Activate Meter Reading: is the expected meter reading when the service under this PSO is to be performed. This is used in conjunction with actual meter readings and the Assumed Daily Rate calculation to determine the expected service date for this PSO. See the separate section on the Assumed Daily Rate calculation. This is manually entered for the first PSO in a sequence.
Note: If the PSO uses a Calendar Days meter then an Activate Meter Reading is not required

  • Lead Time Days: defaults from the Policy, can be changed
  • Start Date: is the expected start date for this service. This will be manually entered for the first PSO in a sequence, but is then automatically changed based on actual plant usage through meter readings and changes to the Assumed Daily Rate. See the separate section on the Assumed Daily Rate calculation.
    If the meter is Calendar Days based, then the Start Date will not be changed through any meter readings
  • Approved Date and Person: who Approved the PSO and when
  • Issued Date and Person, and Issued To: who Issued the PSO and when, and to whom
  • Estimated Completion Date: manually entered date when the service is expected to be completed, for reporting only
  • Cost Sheet Total: the expected cost of the job if Cost Sheets are being used

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