Document Details Section

Document Details Section

This section contains all of the basic document information which should be available from the source document.

Choose the name of the Supplier that the document relates to, using the standard F4 lookup if required

Invoice Number
Enter the Invoice number from the document. System security rules around duplicate Invoice Nos for a Supplier apply

Invoice Date
Enter the date on the Suppliers invoice, claim or credit note

Payment Due Date
This will default to a date calculated by the payment terms setup on the Supplier record. This date can be overwritten

Subcontract Code
If the Voucher Type of Sub Claim has been selected, this dropdown lists current Subcontracts for the selected Supplier

PO / WO No
This displays a filtered list of outstanding PO / WO's for this Supplier. If a Subcontract has been selected this list will be filtered for WO's for this Subcontract only.

Note that a Voucher can apply to multiple Purchase Orders (see later process). If there are multiple PO's on the Voucher they will be listed for reference immediately under the PO/WO selection dropdown.

Note that Credit Notes CANNOT be applied to specific Purchase Orders, so the PO functionality is disabled when the Credit Voucher Type is chosen.

PO Basis
There are two sources of defaults for the value on invoices relating to PO's.

  • 'Receipted Not Invoiced' defaults values for the selected PO for lines on that PO that have been receipted but have not yet been AP Invoiced
  • 'Outstanding PO Value' defaults values for the selected PO for lines on that PO that have not yet been AP Invoiced.

This selection maybe changed by the user if security settings allow. A Voucher may have only one setting. There cannot be a mix across multiple PO's on the same Voucher.

Foreign Currency Rate and Code
These will default from the Supplier selected and can be changed if required

Where a Voucher has been converted to a processed invoice or credit, the Batch Number to which it has been added will display. If you want to manually batch the selected Voucher, you can select an existing batch or create a new batch from here. The 'Create Invoice' button will then add the invoice or credit for this Voucher into the selected batch.

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