Creating an Invoice

Creating an Invoice

Generally, a Voucher must be Approved before an AP Invoice or Credit can be created from it. The Control Parameter 'Approve Voucher before Invoice' ' of set to No, allows invoices to be created from Unapproved Vouchers, but only from within the Enter Job Purchases screen.

Invoices can be created from Vouchers in three ways:

  • Bulk Creation of AP Invoices
    From the Edit View Vouchers screen, a Batch No can be selected, and AP Invoices can be created in bulk.
  • Individual creation of AP Invoices or Credits from Edit View Vouchers
    Drilling into a selected Approved Voucher from the Edit View Vouchers screen, the user can select a Batch No and create an invoice from the Voucher
  • Individual creation of AP Invoices from Enter Job Purchases
    Enter an Approved Voucher No in the Enter Job Purchases screen and the Vouchers detail automatically populates the screen. The same process applies for AP Credits.

Note that once an invoice has been created, the Create Invoice button on the Voucher screen becomes a View Invoice button, and the user can drill into the created invoice from the Voucher Bulk Creation of AP Invoices

  • Select / create an AP Invoice batch for the AP Invoices you wish to create
  • All Approved Vouchers for Suppliers in the Financial Company attached to the selected Batch will automatically be filtered, with the message below displaying.
  • All the displayed Vouchers can be selected, or a selection of Vouchers by ticking the checkbox at the end of the line with the displayed Voucher
  • A single button click then allows bulk creation of AP Invoices for the selected Vouchers. Note that this bulk process applies only to AP Invoices, not AP Credits or Subs Claims.

Individual creation of AP Invoices or Credits from Edit View Vouchers
Drilling into a selected Approved Voucher from the Edit View Vouchers screen, the user can select a Batch No and create an invoice from the Voucher using the Create Invoice button.

Where the Voucher has PO's, the invoice creation updates the PO status and returns the user to the Enter Job Purchases screen. Dependent on the Admin Function settings for the logged in user, additional values may be added to the invoice e.g. a Freight charge may need to be added.