Voucher Approval

Voucher Approval

A Voucher is Approved by having a Voucher Approved By name attached.

Generally, a Voucher must be Approved before an AP Invoice or Credit can be created from it. The Control Parameter 'Approve Voucher before Invoice' ' of set to No, allows invoices to be created from Unapproved Vouchers, but only from within the Enter Job Purchases screen.

On the Header tab of the Voucher, three Approval buttons are provided. The related Control Parameters and Admin Function settings may restrict which of the three buttons are accessible for the logged in user.

  • Approve By Voucher Approver
    Clicking this automatically approves the Voucher using the name previously selected in the Voucher for Approval By field. It is typically used when Vouchers are being approved on the system on behalf of the person who has actually approved the AP Voucher. This scenario is common where site staff or people without regular access to a computer are signing off printed Vouchers and returning these to Finance for central processing.
  • Approve By Me
    Clicking this automatically approves the Voucher using the name of the logged in user
  • Approve By PO Approver
    Clicking this automatically approves the Voucher using the name of the PO Approver. It is typically used when vouchers are being approved on behalf of users who may not have direct access to the Workbench system.

Once a Voucher is Approved it becomes Read Only, and cannot be changed. Users with the Admin Function 'Unapprove Vouchers' may Unapprove a Voucher using the Unapprove button which will be displayed.

When a Voucher has been turned into an invoice or credit it cannot be Unapproved or changed.