Vouchered Lines Tab

Vouchered Lines Tab

The Vouchered Lines tab displays the PO Lines still outstanding for invoicing, with the values depending on the basis selected - Receipted Not Invoiced or Outstanding PO Value. The purpose of the screen is to arrive at the 'This Voucher Value', being the detailed costing on the AP Invoice to be created, and the PO lines to which these values relate.

  • The Vouchered Lines are automatically created by the selection of a PO
  • A line can be manually entered where it does not relate to a PO e.g. a Freight charge may need to be added
  • Lines can be deleted from a Voucher (provided it is Unapproved) by highlighting the line and using the Delete key.
  • The sum of the Vouchered Lines, and the GST on those lines, must be the same as the This Invoice values on the header tab before an invoice can be approved.

PO Number
The PO Number relating to the line is displayed at the start of the line. A Voucher may contain multiple PO's. To add lines from additional PO's, select an additional PO No in the dropdown in the header of the screen. The PO's included on the voucher displaying the 'PO's in this Voucher' section in the header section.

Job Code
The Job Code of the displayed PO Line

Activity Code
The Activity Code of the displayed PO Line

Work Centre
The Work Centre Code of the displayed PO line

This Voucher Value - Qty, Rate and Value
These values can be populated automatically from the Voucherable Values by checking the Select box on the line(s), with an All option at the top. The default values can be edited, or values entered manually. If the changed value exceeds the Voucherable Value, then this warning is provided. You can still proceed.
You can choose 'Yes' to proceed with the entry or choose 'No' to return to the voucher screen and re-key the previous entry.

Voucherable Value - Qty, Rate and Value
These are the values which are able to be invoiced against the selected PO line. The source of these values is displayed at the bottom of the screen for the displayed line for clarity. The calculations are based on:

Where the PO basis is 'Outstanding PO Value'

  • Outstanding Line Value This PO Line;
    The Qty and Value outstanding for the PO line, with the Rate being derived from these values
  • Less Other Uninvoiced Voucher values This PO Line; the values on other Vouchers for this PO line where the Voucher has not yet been turned into an invoice. This is to ensure that the same PO line is not processed on two Vouchers.
  • Voucherable Value This PO Line;
    The net of the two above.
    The Voucherable Value Quantity and Rate that display for each line is the maximum voucherable value for the PO line. It is calculated based on the Original PO less voucher quantities and values already entered on other vouchers.

Below this detail we have the check between This Invoice Header Value compared to Vouchered Lines on this voucher. The Difference value must always be $0.00 for the voucher to be approved.

Bottom right we are also showing the GST Rate for the current Voucher line. As well as the GST Tax Code for the current voucher line. Both these values default from the Purchase Order line, but are editable.

Where the PO basis is 'Receipted Not Invoiced'

  • Receipted Not Invoiced Value This PO Line;
    The Qty and Value receipted but not yet AP Invoiced for the PO line, with the Rate being derived from these values
  • Less Other Uninvoiced Voucher values This PO Line; the values on other Vouchers for this PO line where the Voucher has not yet been turned into an invoice. This is to ensure that the same PO line is not processed on two Vouchers.

Voucherable Value This PO Line;
The net of the above two

Below this detail we have the check between This Invoice Header Value compared to Vouchered Lines on this voucher. The Difference value must always be $0.00 for the voucher to be approved.

Bottom right we are also showing the GST Rate for the current Voucher line. As well as the GST Tax Code for the current voucher line. Both these values default from the Purchase Order line, but are editable.

Balancing of This Invoice Value and Voucher Lines

These Invoice Values on the Header tab are the values on the invoice being processed, and the costing analysis provided by the Voucher Lines must balance with these values before a Voucher can be approved.

When creating a Voucher, these values default from the selection of the first PO to which the Voucher applies. Where the invoice is different to this default, the user would change the values to those on the invoice.

When selecting or entering Voucher Lines in the Voucher Lines tab, there is a running comparison between the This Invoice value (for the Excl GST and the GST values) and the Vouchered Lines. The Difference for both values is displayed.

When approving a Voucher, if there is a difference the user will be presented with the following message indicating the source of the difference.

  • Selecting 'Yes' will return the user to the Vouchered Lines tab to resolve the difference
  • Selecting 'No' will amend the 'This Invoice' values' on the Header tab for this invoice. Note when choosing this No option you need to be sure that the changed values are the same as the invoice received from the Supplier

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