Plant Assignment Lines

Plant Assignment Lines

Plant Item: select the Plant Item to be issued onto the job

Rate Code: the default Rate Code for the selected Plant Item will default but can be changed. The Cost and Sell rate for the selected Rate Code will display, but cannot be changed. The Activity Code and Work Centre Code from the selected rate Code will also default, and can be changed.*

Note: that the Activity Code must be in the Activity Group of the job being issued too. If Job Work Centres are being used the Work Centre Code must be a Job Work Centre of the job being issued to.

Start Date and End Date: If there are Start and End Dates in the Plant Assignment header and the checkbox next to the Default Start date is ticked, these dates will default onto lines when created. If there are no defaults the dates are to be manually entered. A Start Date is mandatory but an End Date is optional.

These dates provide the date selection criteria when selecting Plant Assignment Lines for inclusion in the bulk issue. If the date selection is not within the Start and End Dates on the line it will not be included.

Note: that if the selected Plant Item is present in another Plant Assignment where the dates overlap, the user is warned of this overlap to avoid unintentional issuing of the same Plant Items to multiple jobs.