Voucher Report Sample

Voucher Report Sample

This report is split into 3 distinct sections:

  • Header: Provides the invoice header details
  • Vouchered Lines: Provides details of the vouchered lines section of the voucher screen.
  • Other Vouchers relating to the PO ('s) in the header: Other voucher details entered against this PO, other AP invoices that have been created from vouchers from this PO.

Assign Vouchers for Online Approval

AP Vouchers can be assigned to another Workbench user for them to Approve it. This function generates an alert to the Voucher Approver to warn them that a new Voucher is awaiting their approval. They then have the option of opening their list of documents awaiting approval to approve the voucher or to ignore the alert and approve the voucher at a later point in time.

To electronically assign a Voucher Approver click 'F3' from anywhere in the screen. A list of allowable Voucher Approvers is displayed, based on the security rules set up

Click on the user which you want to assign the voucher to for approval and click the 'Close' button. You will then be returned to the Voucher screen.

The 'Voucher for Approval By' text will then appear red to indicate that the Voucher has been assigned to the displayed person for Approval. The name of the assigned Voucher Approver will also appear in the 'Voucher for Approval By' field.