Voucher Messaging

Voucher Messaging

You can also additionally send a message to the Voucher Approver regarding the Voucher. The Approver will be alerted by the message and will be able to view the message contents. The Approver then has the option to view the Voucher and to Approve it.

This is useful in a number of scenarios e.g. an invoice has come in from a supplier who is chasing a large amount of outstanding invoices and you need to make the Voucher Approver aware of the urgency in approving the voucher. Alternatively a message can be sent back by the Approver to Finance e.g. Invoice is approved for payment but hold off payment till next month as you have agreed special terms with the supplier.

To send messages click the 'Message' button. The screen below will open, this allows you to choose a person to assign the message to and enter details about the message. Once you have finished the message you can click the 'Close' button and the message will electronically sent to the message assignee.

The History tab shows a history of all of the messages relating to this voucher.