Job Receipt Entry

Job Receipt Entry

This program is used to manually enter cash receipts and apply values against Invoices in Workbench. An import function is also available. Workbench records receipt information to assist in the job and debt management process only and does not provide a conventional Cash Book function. These transactions are memorandum and do not get exported to your financial ledgers. Two versions of this program are available, one that uses the Client to identify outstanding invoices, the other uses the Job. The resulting receipt transaction is the same under both methods.

Batch Number
Enter a Batch Number or select one from this list. If a new Batch is to be created, leave this field blank and press the New Record button.

Reference (Maximum 20 Characters)
If you choose to create a new batch, the New Batch Set Up window will be displayed. This field is only displayed in this instance. Enter a Reference Code by which to additionally identify this batch. This is a mandatory field and the program will not save this data record unless the field is completed.

Batch Date
If you choose create a new batch, this field will appear on the New Batch Set Up window and will have the current day's date displayed as the default. This may be altered if required. This is a mandatory field and the program will not save this data record unless the field is completed. If you choose to modify an existing batch, the date of that batch will be displayed in this field – it cannot be altered.

Item Date
Enter a Date for this transaction.

Client Alpha
Enter or select the Client to which this receipt relates.

Enter a Receipt Number reference for this transaction or accept the default.

Enter or select the Invoice to which this receipt relates. This transaction must be applied against a valid invoice.

Enter the value of this receipt. If this is a Foreign Currency value enter this together with the Local Currency value. The FC exchange rate will be displayed but can be edited.

While the amount of text which can be keyed into this field is virtually unlimited, entries should be limited to short, meaningful comments intended as notes. Text can be added against each line of the batch.

GST Amount
The system will automatically calculate the GST/VAT content of this receipt. This value can be edited if for some reason the actual tax content is different.