Job Outputs

Job Outputs

This program is used to enter Job Output transactions which are used in the Output and Claim based invoicing processes. An output is an agreed measure of service delivered to the client e.g. number of printers installed, number of days worked.

Job Code
Enter a valid job code

Job Description
Following selection of a Job Number, the Job Description for it will be displayed.

Schedule/Schedule Description
The reference for the Schedule associated to this Job, along with it's description, will be displayed in these fields. This schedule is used to validate and price the output transactions. Refer Workbench Setup Guide – Contract Schedule for the schedule creation.

If this box is checked, any existing invoiced Output transactions recorded for this Job will be displayed.

If this box is checked, any existing Output transactions recorded for this Job which are not yet invoiced will be displayed

Enter a Date for this transaction.

Output Code
The Outputs defined on the Schedule associated to this Job will be available in the list for this field. Select the correct one for each transaction to be recorded.

Having selected the Output Code, the description recorded for it on the Schedule will be displayed here.

The Unit of Measure as recorded on the Schedule for the Output Code selected will be displayed here.

The default rate for this Output will default but can be edited.

Enter a value being the Quantity to be assigned to this transaction.

The system will calculate the total value of this transaction.

Text can be added against each line of the batch.