

This option is used to enter Internal Costs that are to be recovered against jobs. Please note the difference between Internal Costs and Purchases. Internal Costs are those items of expense which would not normally be charged directly to a Job (photocopying, printing, tolls etc.) but some form of recovery is appropriate.

This program will also generate relevant General Ledger Journals if Workbench is integrated to your Financial System. The Debit will be posted to the General Ledger Code associated with the Activity related to the Job selected, while the Credit will be passed to the General Ledger Code associated with the Activity selected for the Disbursement.

This field is relevant only when opening a Batch which already exists. By "ticking" this box, all previously entered transactions, for the Batch which you select, will be displayed. If this field is left blank, none of the earlier entries will be visible.

Batch Number
Select an existing number or create a new batch.

Reference (Maximum 20 Characters)
If you choose to create a new batch, the New Batch Set Up window will be displayed. This field is only displayed in this instance. Enter a Reference Code by which to additionally identify this batch. This is a mandatory field and the program will not save this data record unless the field is completed.

Batch Date
If you choose create a new batch, this field will appear on the New Batch Set Up window and will have the current day's date displayed as the default. This may be altered if required. This is a mandatory field and the program will not save this data record unless the field is completed. If you choose to modify an existing batch, the date of that batch will be displayed in this field – it cannot be altered.

Item Date
Enter a Date for this transaction.

Job Code
Enter a valid Code, or select one from the list available, for the Job to which this charge is to be allocated.

The description of the Code selected will be displayed in this field.

An Activity Code can be keyed in manually or selected from the list of Disbursement type codes.

Activity Code Description
The description of the Code selected will be displayed in this field.

Work Centre
Enter a valid Code, or select one from the list available, to which this Disbursement is to be allocated.

Enter a quantity relevant to this Disbursement.

If a Cost has been entered against the Activity, this will be the default value automatically displayed in this field. This default Cost may be accepted, replaced, or amended, or if the field is blank, then a Cost will need to be entered as this is a mandatory field and the program will not save this data record unless the field is completed.

While the amount of text which can be keyed into this field is virtually unlimited, entries should be limited to short, meaningful comments intended as notes. Text can be added against each line of the batch.