Stock Job (Location)
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Stock Management is by Location. Every stock transaction in the system belongs to a Location.
Locations in the Stock module are specially defined Jobs. They are identified by a Stock Job Type as defined in the Control Parameter.
Set up a Job per Location.
Activity Group
Select the Activity Group that has activities relevant to stock purchases and issues.
When we set up an Item we don't usually allocate it to a Location straight away. The first time we have transactional data for an Item we will specify a Location and this will automatically update the StockLocation table. Each stock item can reside in any number of Locations.
The Additional Tab
Under the additional tab we specify the Stock Control a/c for GL integration and Location Groups
Stock Control Account
The Stock Control Account is used for both Debit and Credit transactions dependent on whether you are purchasing stock (Dr) or issuing stock (Cr). There are also Job Adjustment entries. It is possible to have a different Control Account for each stock location. GL Prefix or Suffix on the Profit Centre is ignored.
Stock Adjustment Account
If a stock adjustment batch is unbalanced, then the resulting write on / write off will be posted to the Stock Adjustment Account for the Stock Location in question, being the full account code string for the Stock Adjustment Account.
Location Group
Locations can be part of a group for reporting purposes. E.g. If all the vans were locations for stock management they could all be part of the same location group.