Integration to Host Financials

Integration to Host Financials

Workbench transactions are updated to host Financial Ledgers, either as subsidiary ledger transactions (for Accounts Payable Invoices and Credits and Accounts Receivable Invoices and Credits), or as General Ledger Journals (for all other transaction types).

The structure of the exported data is specific to each host financial system. However the derivation of the GL codes is the same regardless of the host financial system. Workbench derives those GL Codes based on business rules and system set up, and each transaction within Workbench is allocated the appropriate code accordingly.  The appropriate GL Account is derived every time the Print Batch button is pressed or the batch exported.  The Job Transaction (cost) and Job Invoice Line (sale) has this appropriate GL Code locked in on the transaction.

To control the export of data, all transactions within Workbench are batched. Batches that are to be exported are "Closed", A Batch Edit is printed to check accuracy and then exported. Depending on the requirements of the host financial system, the batches are exported to a flat .TXT or similar file, or to a Transfer Database. The data exported is as per the requirements specified by the System Providers of the Host Financials.

The import into the host financial system from the Flat File or Transfer Database is designed and maintained by the System Providers of the Host Financials.


  1. Profit Centre / Activity Code combination. The GL code structure exported can optionally comprise combinations of:
    • a multi-segment Branch / Dept type Prefix (embedded in the Profit Centre)
    • an Account Code (embedded in the Activity Code -expense or Sales Code -revenue),
    • a multi-segment Branch / Dept type Suffix (embedded in the Profit Centre)
  2. @GL Code: Full GL String embedded in the Activity Code-expense or Sales Code-revenue
  3. Posting to a single Balance Sheet account is supported (e.g. Stock Control Accounts)
  4. There can be a different Control Account per job or range of jobs. (e.g. All Job expenses being debited to say a Warranty Costs account for Warranty type jobs)
  5. Labour Recovery codes from Employee Classes.
  6. Plant Issues export.  CR comes from Rate Code Masterfile used on that transaction for Base, Overhead & Other. (It does not look at the Plant Masterfile for the CR)
  7. If there is a conflict there is a priority order for determining which GL Code to be used:
  • Job GL Code
  • @GL Code on the Activity Code or Sales Code
  • Profit Centre/Activity Code combination for the GL Code.

    Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable & GST Controls are determined by the Financials.