Web Workbench Administrator Role Set-up
Web Workbench Administrator Role Set-up
As at , this will be replaced by the script added to the deployment package to create the administrator user and password is
"w0rkB3nch![MachineName]", where [MachineName] is the name of the machine the server is on, in upper case letters.
e.g. "w0rkB3nch!WEBDEV002"
Use the administrator login to configure roles to the users.
Set up the Administrator Role via TableList
- Go to the scaffold area in Web Workbench (http://webworkbench/scaffold/tablelist.aspx). Note: where webworkbench is the URL to your Web Workbench server.
- Search for “People” table name, this is case sensitive
- In the People table (click people from the grid), filter by Surname.
- Note the Person ID.
- Click Back
- Filter by Tablename = PeopleRoles
- Click the PeopleRoles table and click New
- Type the PersonID taken from Step 4. Select RoleID= Administrator, specify FincoCode. Click Save