Period End Reconciliation with Financials

Period End Reconciliation with Financials

Workbench is designed to capture job cost financial transactions and export them to various financial software packages. The nature of this export will vary between financial packages, but the requirement for financial integrity and audit ability is common to all.

This Period End Reconciliation is a formal process which must be carried out at the end of each financial period. The purpose is to ensure that all transactions entered into Workbench which have financial significance have been exported to the financial software, and that they reconcile with the transactions which are present in the financial ledgers.

It should be emphasized that if all areas of Workbench requiring GL Codes have been set up correctly, all transactions have been batched, and all batches have been exported, then there is no reason why Workbench and the financials will not reconcile.

The following processes are simply a re-statement of many of the functions that will have been performed as a routine during the period.