Generate Job On Costs

Generate Job On Costs


Profit Centres
Select the Profit Centre that you want to calculate the Job On Costs for. A Profit Centre is mandatory

The generation of the Job On Costs is governed by batch. Select an existing batch or create a new one.


For the selected Job and Costs the % is based on the Cost Value of that cost transaction.

For the selected Job and Costs the % is based on the Retail Value of that cost transaction.

For the selected Job the % is based on the JTD Revenue for that Job.


Cost and Retail
For the selected Job and Costs the % is based on the Cost Value of that cost transaction. The Retail value will be the standard Retail based on the pricing rules on the Activity Code and/or the Price Code of the job

Retail Value Only
The Disbursement Job Transaction will be created as for 'Cost and Retail' above, but the Cost value will then be set to $0.00 and the Retail Value will be calculated using the % in the Job OnCost form.

On Cost Activity
An Activity Code distinguished by a Disbursement Type. The cost transaction will go against this Activity code. It is recommended that this code is the same as the Activity group to be used. This may aid the user in ensuring that the correct selection is made. It is necessary to maintain the integrity of the calculation that determines "Job to Date" less "Job to Date last time".
Where the Transaction Created is 'Retail Value Only' the Activity Code is validated from the Control Parameter ' Job On Cost Retail Only Activities'.


Specify the % OnCost that will form the basis of the cost transaction. The function calculates the total costs (JTD), applies the specified percentage and calculates a JTD On Cost value. The process then totals all previous transactions of the same type (defined by the On Cost Activity) and deducts these from the latest calculated value to arrive at a value for the current period On Cost.
Where the Transaction Created is 'Retail Value Only' this % calculates the Retail Value. The Cost is $0.

Select Jobs by Job Group
The On Cost will be calculated for all jobs within this specified Job Group.

Include Costs by Activity Group
This specifies the costs that are to be included in the JTD Costs for the calculation. Only applies to 'Cost' calculation basis. (cost & retail)
For each Activity within this Activity Group (for Jobs within the Job Group within the Profit Centre) the costs will be added together to form the basis for the % on cost.