Labour Costs to Date to the previous Sunday are to be taken, based on:
- Timesheet transactions, with Transaction Dates <= the Sunday date. This will always pick up the real cost of time transactions after timesheet entry
- Job Cost Accrual transactions with Activity Codes with an Activity Type = Time, with Transaction Dates <= the Sunday date. This allows the entry of a cost accrual against Time Activity Codes where reporting is required before the timesheets / payroll has been run for the previous week.
It is for the user to ensure that if a Cost Accrual is entered for this time, then the Timesheet transactions have not been at entered the time the Weekly Costs snapshot is taken. There is no way for the system to know if the accrual is valid.
The value of Time transactions included in the Weekly Costs to Date will be:
Labour Costs to the end of the Previous Year / Period +
Timesheet transactions with a Year / Period equal to the Current Year / Period but with transaction dates <= the Sunday cut-off date +
the sum of Cost Accrual transactions with Accrual Type of Time with dates <= the Sunday cut-off date
Note that the Transaction Date is the critical date.