Accounts Payable Invoices

It will be assumed that all AP Invoices to be included in the Cost to Date will have been processed in the previous week or earlier. The basis of these costs is those transactions with Activity Codes having an Activity Type of Purchase.

The Accrual Type of Purchases may be used. If a cost needs to be accrued for a particular week's report it can be entered, on the same basis as the time accruals detailed previously.

The value of AP Invoice based transactions included in the Weekly Costs to Date will be:

Purchase Activity Type Costs to the end of the Previous Year / Period +
Purchase Activity Type transactions with a Year / Period equal to the Current Year / Period
but with transaction CreatedDateTime dates <= the Sunday cut-off date +
the sum of Cost Accrual transactions with Accrual Type of Purchase with dates <= the Sunday cut-off date

Note that the Created Date Time Date is the critical date.