

In calculating the Retail Value of every Cost Transaction Workbench always follows a particular order in arriving at the Value.

First priority - the Price Code. Workbench always looks to the Price Code attached to the Job or Quote to calculate the Retail Value.
Every job in Workbench has to have a Price Code but the Price Code does not have to be populated.

If the Price Code is not populated then Workbench follows the Pricing Rules for the type of transaction to calculate the Retail Value. Subsequent priorities depend on the setup of Employee Classes, Stock Items, Catalogue Items, Plant Rate Codes or Activity Codes.

Note that the Price Code is divided into Materials and Labour. Labour covers all Time transactions. Materials covers all other transaction including:- Purchase Orders, Accounts Payable, Stock, Plant, Disbursements and Internal Sales (i.e. the cost part of the transaction).

Down the left hand side is listed from top to bottom all the places where the Retail Value is calculated from.
Across the top is listed the form generating the Cost Transaction.
A tick in the box shows that a Retail Value can be calculated using this method. The number under the tick shows the precedence that the form follows in order to calculate the Retail Value. If there is no Rate or % then it goes to the next priority and so on.

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