Sometimes the translated text will not display correctly or completely on the screen in the space available. When this happens here are a few things you can try to resolve the issue.
- Abbreviate, use commonly accepted abbreviations for words or terms. If required for clarity, put the un abbreviated term in the 'Translation Long Text' to populate the tool tip for the button, label or tab.
- Buttons can often display two lines of text; try putting in a return between words.
- Use an Override if a single label, button or tab is an issue, entering in a shorter translation for just one instance.
- Labels on columns can be widened to fit longer text. See the section 'Column Resizing' for more information.
- If characters used in your language do not display correctly, try a different font as many fonts have limitations. This can be specified in the system control parameter setting called 'Display Font'. 'Arial Unicode MS' is a system font that can cope with most special characters.
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