Common use of Ampersands

Common use of Ampersands

Practical use of ampersands will be in one of two ways:

  • To provide a Hotkey
  • To display an '&' character

For hotkeys to work correctly, any one screen must only have one instance of any particular hotkey combination. For example, having two buttons, say a Close Button and a Cancel button both with an Alt + C hotkey will not behave correctly.

To assign a hotkey, place an ampersand character before the character in the caption you want to associate with the hotkey. It can be any character in the caption, but avoid using a (space) character.

For Example:

Display Caption

Actual Caption




Alt + A



Alt + V



Alt + K

If you have entered in your translations and are happy with your hotkeys but on a few screens the hotkeys clash, you have the option of entering a override for that particular control – See the section on overrides for more detail.

To display an '&' character in a caption, simply provide two next to each other '&&'

Display Caption

Actual Caption

Salt & Pepper

Salt && Pepper

Save & Exit

Save && Exit

In some cases you will want to display a '&' in the caption and provide a Hotkey as well.

Display Caption

Actual Caption


Save & Exit

&Save && Exit

Alt + S