

Sequence No's
Enter the sequence of allocations you wish to run or enter first to last and let the routine work through the calculation order.

Note you cannot select specific Allocations only the sequence.

Run the process of calculating the allocations.
All the YTD costs from the "From" Job (and the Activity Group if used) will be allocated during the process leaving a balance of zero.

The Period is the Current Period from the System Control File.

Should one of the "To" jobs be Finalised a warning is posted giving you a list of the jobs.
The Calculation is still carried out and 'Process Complete' returned. The Control is that the Allocation cannot be posted. Another error will be presented if you try to Post to a Finalised Job and the Posting aborted
You will need to fix this and 'Calculate' again.

Print an allocations report to review prior to posting the batch.

Once you calculate and before you have posted you can also view the calculated amount in the Maintain Cost Allocations. If you change the allocation you can recalculate and it overwrites the figures. The job Adjustment entry is not processed until you create the batch.