Maintain Cost Allocations

Maintain Cost Allocations

Each allocation will be given its own Description. There is a 1 – 1 relationship between this description and the "From Job"

Name this allocation.

Define the sequence in which the allocation processes should be run to. It means that you can have one job feeding into another job which in turn feeds into another job
The processing is done by selecting the sequence not the specific Allocation. If you want to maintain control over the timing of every allocation you will need to set up each Allocation as a separate Sequence.

Job Code
Specify the Job from which costs will be transferred.

From Activity Group
It is possible to have an Activity Group set up to identify only some Activity Codes to be used in the Allocation. Where an Activity Group is used all the YTD Costs from that group of Activities will be allocated leaving a balance of zero in those Activities.
You need to be aware that the receipting activity must also be in the activity group otherwise the transfer can't happen as the entry must be allocated into the activity within the Activity group.

This field can be Null in which case all the YTD costs from the "From" Job will be allocated leaving a balance of zero.

To Activity
This is the activity code that will be used for both the expense (To Job) and the recovery (From Job) The Work Centre will be the default Work Centre on the Activity Code.

Allocate across all open SubJobs
Tick this box should you wish to spread the "From Job" costs to all the "From jobs" SubJobs. "To Jobs" are not required to be specifies as these are the SubJobs. Can only be for Cost and Hours Type spread. Will not work for Fixed or Output type.

Allocation Basis
This will be greyed out if Type = Fixed otherwise specify the basis for your allocation.

If there are no values in any of the periods in your selection the system will allocate the entire amount to be allocated into the last job in your "To Job" range.

The Current Year and Period is from the System Control File.

To Job Code
Specify the Job/s to which costs will be transferred.

Enter your allocation proportions should the Type be fixed. The proportions entered do not have to be percentages as the system will make it a % when the allocation is generated.
Leave the Measure blank for all other types. They system will feed in the appropriate measure when the allocation is generated.

If you have calculated the Allocation through Generate Cost allocations and you have not posted the batch you can come into the Maintain Cost Allocation screen and see the result of the calculation. The moment you post the batch the Maintain Cost Allocation screen is zeroed out.