Allocation Type & Basis

Allocation Type & Basis

There are seven allocation methods for the transfer of the total net costs of a Source Job to a range of Destination Jobs.

  • A Fixed % allocation
  • An allocation based on the Costs in the destination jobs
  • An allocation based on the Hours in the destination jobs
  • An allocation based on an Output schedule
  • An allocation based on the Sales in the destination jobs
  • An allocation based on the total Plant Hours used in the destination jobs
  • An allocation based on the total Profit Centre costs in the destination jobs

The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each To Job is fixed in accordance with the stated measure.

The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each To Job is in proportion to the actual costs on each Destination Job. The Allocation Basis defines which costs are used to determine this proportion (e.g. Month, YTD).

Choice of allocations basis

Note that if there are no costs in the selected range the program allocates all of the costs into the last job in the range.

The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each To Job is in proportion to the actual hours on each Destination Job. The Allocation Basis defines which hours are used to determine this proportion (e.g. Month, YTD).

The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each To Job is in proportion to the actual Outputs on each Destination Job. The Schedule and Output codes define which Outputs are used to determine this proportion (e.g. Month, YTD).

Set up a schedule.

The Job must belong to that schedule. (If the Grant Schedule and Allocations schedule are being used on the same just use the Grant schedule for the allocations as well)

Go to Enter Job Outputs. Bring up the appropriate output line in the schedule and specify the rate and quantity to be used for the calculation. The allocation proportion is based on the amount.

Then update Maintain Cost Allocations specifying the Schedule and the Output line in the schedule that has been updated with the output amount.


The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each To Job is in proportion to the actual Job Invoices on each Destination Job. The Allocation Basis defines which sales are used to determine this proportion (e.g. Month, YTD).


The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each Job is in proportion to the Plant hours used on each Destination job. The Allocation Basis defines which costs are used to determine this proportion (e.g. Month, YTD).


The proportion of the total net costs from the Source Job to be transferred to each Job is in proportion to the total costs of the Profit Centre for each Destination job. The Allocation Basis defines which costs are used to determine this proportion (e.g. Month, YTD).

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