Job Weekly Cost Accrual Entry

Job Weekly Cost Accrual Entry

The Weekly cost accrual process allows you to enter an accrual for items where you are expecting to incur a cost but may not have done so yet.

For Example :

  • You have received deliveries of materials to site, which you have used, but you haven't yet been invoiced.
  • You have had subcontractors working on the project that have not yet submitted a progress claim / invoice.

These Accrual entries will be automatically reversed out next week so that these costs are not duplicated if Invoices have been received.

"Job Weekly Cost Accruals Entry" is accessed from the "Job Measure management" menu.

  • You can enter a specific date for the accrual or use the default Week Ending Date.
  • Select the job for which you wish to accrue costs.
  • Select the Activity Code relevant to the cost you are accruing.
  • Select the Work Centre that this Accrual relates to.
  • Enter a Qty and a rate for this accrual this will calculate an Accrual total for the week.
  • You are also able to enter details relating to each accrual that is made

The following week, when you make your cost accrual entries, the accruals from the previous week are automatically reversed.