Transactions Qualifying for Invoicing
Transactions Qualifying for Invoicing
The Prepare Job Invoices screen displays all the transactions available for billing. There are various controls over which transactions are included.
Use Preview Invoice Process
- Jobs with a Charge Type that has the flag 'Ignore Preview for Billing' un-ticked, Use the Preview Invoicing process (described earlier) for flagging the transactions to display for billing. Only Job Transactions and Purchase Order Lines that have been through the 'Preview Invoice' process, and have been flagged for invoicing, will be displayed by default.
Do Not Use Preview Invoice Process
- Jobs with a Charge Type that has the flag 'Ignore Preview for Billing' ticked will display all unbilled Job Transactions and Purchase Order Lines. The 'Preview Invoice' process is not used
Invoice To Date
- Each invoice will have a default Invoice To Date being the last day of the Year / Period of the invoice. This default can be changed. This date limits the default list of transactions for invoicing to those Job Transactions with a date less than or equal to the Invoice To Date.
If the "Include Futures" option is subsequently selected in the Filter Options for billing, transactions dated later than the Invoice to Date will be included in the list of transactions able to be billed