Print Invoice Schedule

Print Invoice Schedule

This program provides the ability to print or view a listing of Suppliers' Invoices and Credits. It can be used as an enquiry style of listing, to provide details of Invoices and Credits held on the system for a particular Supplier. Alternatively, it can be used as a Batch Listing function through the specification of a Batch Number to report on.

If it is desirable to report on single Suppliers, either select their Account Code or the Supplier Name from the drop down boxes.

Invoice Date From/To
A date range may be specified to limit the data printed or viewed. This selection is applied to the Invoice or Credit Note date.

PO Number
To report on all invoices relating to a specific Purchase Order you can enter the Purchase Order number here.

Batch Number
To report on specific batches, enter a valid batch number in this field.

Entered/Approved /Updated/Invoices/Credits
The data printed, or viewed, can be further modified by the selection or non-selection of any of these criteria.

There are two styles of report and these are available with and without Foreign Currency :

  • AP Invoice / Credit Schedule by Batch in Entered Order
  • AP Invoice / Credit Schedule in Company Alphabetic