Control Parameters

Control Parameters

Parameter Name


Valid Values

Allow Unapproved PO Inwards Goods

If set to Yes, then Inwards Goods transactions can be entered against Unapproved POs.

Yes, No

AP Batch Approve Invoices

If set to Yes, prior to exporting a batch there are checks that all AP Invoices in the batch have an Approved Status

Yes, No

AP Hold Code

This code is included in the Export File if the AP Invoice line is on hold. It should be the code expected by the receiving Accounting System.

A valid code expected by the Financial software being used

AP Invoice Entry Warning

If set to yes, a warning displays on entering an AP Invoice or Voucher if the selected Job is Closed.

Yes, No

AP Voucher Invoice value check

If an AP Invoice or Subcontract Claim derived from a voucher has a total value greater than the voucher, then a setting of Warn here displays a warning message on exit from the Enter Job Purchase Invoices screen, while Disallow also forces the AP Invoice value to be reduced down to the voucher value.

None, Warn, Disallow

AP Vouchers

If set to Yes, in the Enter Job Purchases screen the AP Voucher facility can be used in processing AP Invoices

Yes, No

APAccountNo mandatory

In the Company Maintenance screen: If set to Yes, a Supplier or Subcontractor must have an APAccount No.

Yes, No

APInv Unique for Batch

This sets the level of validation of duplicate use of AP Invoice Numbers within the same batch: 0 = No validation, 1 = Disallow any duplicate use of AP Invoice Nos, 2 = Warn only of duplicate use of AP Invoice Nos.

0, 1, 2

APInv Unique for Supplier

This sets the level of validation of duplicate use of AP Invoice Numbers for the same Supplier : 0 = No validation, 1 = Disallow any duplicate use of AP Invoice Nos, 2 = Warn only of duplicate use of AP Invoice Nos.

0, 1, 2

Approve Voucher before Invoice

If set to Yes, then checks to ensure that the AP Voucher has an Approved Status, when clicking Create Invoice.

Yes, No

APVoucher Attachment Dir

Holds the attachment directory in which the AP Voucher entry screen is expecting to find the scanned AP Invoice image for attachment to the Voucher using the Attach AP Invoice Image button


Auto Receipt With APInvoice

If set to Yes, then Inwards Goods Lines are automatically created when processing an AP Invoice against any PO if they have not already been created manually with an Inwards Goods transaction. If set to No, then Inwards Lines are automatically created only if the JobCode on the PO line is a Stock Location Job. This No option is to ensure that there is always a Good Receipt for a Stock purchase, as the Stock system requires these transactions for Stock control

Yes, No

Check Subcontractor Insurance

If there are expired Insurance Certificates against the Subcontractor (in the Additional tab on Company Maintenance) then entry of Subcontract Claims and AP Invoices against this company will be disallowed.

Yes, No

Confirm POs Default Receipted

If set to Yes, makes Receipted Only the default on Confirm Purchase Orders when processing job Purchase Invoices, otherwise if defaults to Outstanding PO Value.

Yes, No

Control Over Budget PO

If set to Yes, then the user can enter a PO which takes Outstanding POs + Cost to Date > Budget.

Yes, No

Control Over Budget WO

If set to Yes, then the user can enter WO which takes Outstanding WOs + Cost to Date > Budget.

Yes, No

Def Subcontract Claim Batch

The default Subcontract Claims batch into which Unapproved Subcontract Claims are put. Must be a valid batch of Batch Type = Sub Claim, and the batch should be set as Not for Export

{Valid Batch Number}

Default Catalogue ID

This is the ID number of the Default Catalogue to be used when automatically creating Activity Type Items in Procurement Lists

{a valid CatalgueID numer from the Catalogues table}

Default Item ID

This is the ID number of the Default Catalogue Item to be used when automatically creating Catalogue Items in Procurement Lists

{a valid itemID from the CatalogueItems table}

Default PO/WO Date

If set to Open Period then the default date for POs and WOs will be derived from the first PO open period end date subsequent to today. If set to Today it will default to today`s date.

Today, Open Period

Default Supplier in Catalogue Lookup

If set to Yes, default the supplier from the Purchase Order through to the Catalogue Lookup screen to provide initial filtering

Yes, No

Deliver more than To Deliver

If set to Yes, then the Procurement Deliveries process may accept a Delivery amount greater than the procurement quantity

Yes, No

Display AP GST Type

If set to Yes, then the AP GST Type is displayed in AP Invoice entry, with the GST Type defaulting from the selected Activity Code

Yes, No

Display Uncommitted Budget

If set to Yes, the Uncommitted Budget figures will appear for POs and WOs.

Yes, No

Display Import IT Quota

Displays the Import IT Quota button on Maintain Sales Orders.

Yes, No

Fin Co AP Validation

If set to Yes, the Financial Company of each Supplier must be the same as that of the Batch header used for AP Invoices and AP Credits.

Yes, No

Force Purchase Credit Apply

If set to Yes, a valid Apply Number ie. the AP Invoice number to which the Credit is to be applied must be specified during entry of an AP Credit Note

Yes, No

Include Stock item Default Selection

Yes/No default selection of the include stock item tickbox in the purchase tab in Procurement.

Yes, No

Max Return AP Invoices

In the AP Invoice Edit/View screen: Limits the number of displayed records when searching

{a number}

Max Return Catalogue Lines

In the Catalogue Lookup screen: Limits the number of displayed records when searching

{a number}

Max Return Inwards Goods

In the Enter Inwards Goods screen: Limits the number of displayed records when searching


Max Return Purchase Orders

In the Purchase Orders Edit View screen: Limits the number of displayed records.

{a number}

PO Accrual by Receipts

When set to Yes, the Purchase Order Accruals values are generated ONLY for Purchase Order Lines which have been Receipted but not AP Invoiced. Any non receipted POs will NOT be included. To use this Control Parameter, the [WBFUT:Auto Receipt with AP Invoice] Control Parameter must also be set to Yes to ensure that Receipt transactions are always created.

Yes, No

PO Excess Limit

The amount of excess over the Purchase Order value that a Job Purchase line is allowed before it is automatically placed on hold. E.g. If set to 100, items more than $100 over their Purchase Order value will be automatically placed on hold.


PO Job Location Control

If set to Yes, the Location on the Job Profit Centre must match the Location on the Purchase Order or Works Orders header.

Yes, No

PO Location Default

If set to User, when creating Purchase Orders and Works Orders the Location Code of the logged in user is defaulted onto Purchase and Works Orders. If set to None the Location Code must be entered each time.

User, None

PO Location from Job

If set to Yes, the Location Code on the Purchase Order defaults to the Location Code of the Profit Centre of the first Job on PO Lines. Note this assumes all lines on the PO have the same Job Code

Yes, No

PO Purchaser/Approver different

If set to Yes, then the Purchaser and Approver on Purchase Orders must be different people

Yes, No

PO Supplier Location Control

If set to Yes, the Location of the Supplier must match the Location on the Purchase Order or Works Orders header.

Yes, No


In the Purchase Orders screen: If set to No, then it HIDES the MPR No.

Yes, No

PO Use PO Reason

In the Purchase Orders screen: If set to No, then HIDES the PO Reason.

Yes, No

PO Use PO Type

In the Purchase Orders screen: If set to No, then it HIDES the PO Type.

Yes, No

PO Use POReference2

In the Purchase Orders screen: If set to No, then it HIDES the POReference2 field.

Yes, No

Procurement Auto PO Approve

If set to yes, when creating a PO from Procurement the "Auto Approval" option is automatically selected


Procurement Auto Print PO

If set to Yes, then the Auto Print Created Purchase Orders checkbox on the Create PO Dialog box defaults to ticked when creating bulk POs from Procurement

Yes, No

Purchase Order Attachment Dir

Holds the attachment directory in which the Purchase Order entry screen is expecting to find any document for attachment to the Purchase Order.

{Directory Path}

SubContract Claim Filter APInvEditView

In the AP Invoice Edit View screen: If set to Yes, then it allows filtering on Subcontract Claims by Subcontract

Yes, No

Unapproved PO Text

The text in this field will print at the top of Unapproved POs e.g. Requistion Only

{any text}

WO Location Default

If set to User, the Location Code on Works Orders comes from the logged in user, if set to Subcontract the Location Code comes from the Profit Centre of the Subcontract Job.

User, Subcontract

WO Location from Job

If set to Yes, then the WO Location Code defaults to the Location Code of the Profit Centre of the Job on WO Lines.

Yes, No

WO Purchaser/Approver different

If set to Yes, then the Purchaser and Approver on WOs must be different people

Yes, No