Accounts Payable (Creditors)

Accounts Payable (Creditors)

The process is very similar to the importation of Accounts Receivable

Go To File\Import Data\Purchases\Service Purchases

Where does the info end up?

  • Comment – Batch; PO Number
  • Journal Memo – AP Invoice Header Details
  • Description – (Control Parameter gives some flexibility)

MYOB Purchase Order Number

There is always PO Number validation on the AP invoice Import. This can be a problem as MYOB will not allow duplicate PO's on the AP Line even though this is valid in Workbench. To overcome this issue the Workbench export process makes each PO Number unique in the export file as detailed below.

Where there is no PO Workbench passes through the APInvoice ID.
Where there is a Workbench PO Number Workbench sends the PO with 2 randomly generated alpha keys on the end to increase the chance of non duplication.

If still duplicated go back into the .TXT file and change the PO Number on the rejected transaction. Go and reimport the batch into MYOB. It will reject all the lines already imported as they are duplicates but bring in the line that was missed as the PO # is now unique.

With the MYOB import process we recommend accepting the import default parameter of Reject Duplicates (refer page 14).

MYOB Job Number

Dependent on the Workbench Control Parameter 'MYOB Job Field'
Can be:

  • Null
  • Workbench Profit Centre
  • Job Suffix on the Workbench Profit Centre
  • Workbench Job (not recommended unless there are a limited number of jobs. The job must exist in MYOB before it will populate this field.