My Management - Panel Setup

My Management - Panel Setup

My Management Panels are the place where we define what the content is for a particular section of the My Management display. Once defined, a panel may be used on the individualised My Management display for one or more people through the My Management People setup.

Panel Title
Title for the Panel that will Display on the My Management screen

More detailed information to explain and describe what is included in the Panel and who it might be best suited to.

Panel Type
Preset selection of valid Panel Type, with options for:
Procedure; Stored Procedure to return preset data for this person

  • Sub Form; Access a standard Workbench form such as Timesheet Entry. Data entry is allowed from these forms, but no parameters are passed to the form on opening.
  • Panel Report; Crystal report that is provided in the Panel in .pdf format. These reports are Global and pass no parameters, except for those hard coded in the stored procedures that collect the report data.
  • Person Report; Crystal report that is provided in the Panel in .pdf format. These reports are passing logged on user and Account Manager or Job Manager parameters, along with any hard coded in the stored procedures that collect the report data

Tab Display Name
The My Management screen optionally displays multiple tabs, with each tab containing a group of My Management Panels. The naming of these is user defined, and will reflect grouping relevant to your business. The dropdown will display the names for existing tabs. To add a new tab, simply key in the required tab name, and if it does not exist you will be asked if you wish to add it.
Note that the tabs are ordered across the screen in My Management in alphanumeric order. If you want full control over the order it is suggested you use the convention 1. Name1, 2.Name2 etc

Tab Display Group
Allows tabs to be further split up to show different information depending on the Tab Display Group. The three available options are Account Manager, Job Manager and Other

Panel Height
Specifies how much room within the My Management screen the Panel will take up.
Note that the maximum total depth of the My Management screen is 50 cms, including the space between panels. Keep within this limit when designing the My Management displays.

Where a report and it's associated stored procedure has been written to accept one or more parameters, then these parameters can be entered as a string in the Parameters text box. The use of these is totally dependent on the report and stored procedure.
For example, if you were filtering on Profit centres, you could pass the string 'AK','WELL','SYD' to filter the report for just these three Profit Centres.


Panel Report Name
Select from the list of available MyManagement reports. Note: These are reports set up in Report Maintenance using the Report Type of 'My Management'.
Note that a panel with a Panel Type of Panel Report must use reports which are non person specific e.g. Debtors Outstanding for a Profit Centre
A panel with a Panel Type of Person Report must use reports which are person specific e.g. My Productivity for the Current Month.
This selection and matching is controlled by the user during setup. If the matching is incorrect the reports will not run.

Crystal Report Name
Where the selected Panel Report is a Crystal Report, the .rpt file name of the report selected in Panel Report Name will display

Panel Stored Procedure
Select from the list of available MyManagement stored procedures

Panel Sub Form
Select from the list of available MyManagement sub forms

Report Refresh Frequency
Determines how often the report for this panel will be run. Enter the units and select between Hours, Days and Weeks. This provides the basis of timing as to when the report is next run. Note however that the Next Run Time is stored at the individual person level, is displayed on the My Management People screen, and can be edited there.
Most reports in My Management will probably be set to run no more than daily. It is sensible therefore to run them overnight to reduce the load on the system during the day. If you are running reports for large numbers of people it is also appropriate to stagger the times during the night.

Mouse Click Menu option
Print report; when ticked allows the printing of the Crystal report on demand, in preview or to printer by a click on the Title in the My Management screen
Preview report pdf,; When ticked allows the preview to screen of the existing .pdf file by a click on the Title in the My Management screen

Panel Behaviour
Allows the selection of either Double click or Menu items for Enter Timesheets, Job Management and Job Maintenance