Job People Group People Maintenance

Job People Group People Maintenance

When "Job People Group" has been defined, the Jobs and People that are assigned to those groups need to be defined, the "Maintain Job People Group People" screen provides this function. The end result being a group of people assigned to a Job for the group purpose, e.g. meetings.

Once a group has been assigned to a job, the same group configuration may be copied to another job, using the "Copy selected to Job" feature.

Note that person roles may also be utilized. These are defined in "Maintain Lookups" with the type "JobPeopleGrpRole". A Role is not necessary it just provides for further information and filtering.

The top part of the form is for filtering purposes only and to create new Groups and Roles.

  • Press Display to show all the previous entries into this form.

Add Group
Takes you to the screen where you can add a new Group.

Add Role
Takes you to the screen where you can add a new Role.

The bottom part of the form is to add People to the Group attached to the specified job.
You can add new entries after displaying or press New which will clear the displayed lines and leave the cursor on the new line.

Job Code
Enter a valid Job Code or use the <F4> job search function or enter a valid job code.

Select a group type from the list or enter a valid group manually.

Press <F4> to select a person from the Find People screen. Note that you can only select through <F4>.
(Best to get a standard Group and use the copy function – then delete people and change the group if appropriate.)

The top part of the People Finder is for filtering the list prior to selection. Highlight your selection and press Close.

Populated with selected persons' company.

Select a role from the list if required

Copy Select & Copy Selected to Job

  • Select "Copy From" or make sure that a list of Job/People are displayed.
  • Copy/Select the People for copying to another job.
  • Enter the Job to copy to into the 'Copy Selected to Job' field and
  • Press the Copy button.

Note that you cannot copy to the same job if you are wanting a different Group as this is not a copy option.