Forecast Management

Forecast Management

Forecast Management is a high level overview displaying Contracts within Workbench. Drill down takes you directly to the Forecast screen. Normally you access Forecasts through Job Management and individual contract overview.

The concept behind the Forecast Management screen is for the Job Manager to filter for their jobs, review them and complete them. Overall review then takes place and the forecasts are approved if approval is part of your internal process.

Job Manager
The Logged in User is defaulted to the Job Manager. Initial Filter is Contracts related to the logged in User as Job Manager.

There are a number of other filter criteria.

Forecast Period
Select the appropriate Forecast Period.

Projects with SubJobs

  • No tick means that the Contract is displayed only.
  • Tick means that the Contract and any SubJobs are displayed. Where different SubJobs have different Job Managers the Overall Approver can 'at a glance' see which Job Manager has already reviewed their Forecasts.

Double Click at the left takes you into the Forecast Review screen.

Completion and Approval of the Forecast can only be done within the Forecast Review screen.