Create SubContract Claim Retentions

Create SubContract Claim Retentions

  • Retentions are calculated based on the Retention code entered in the Maintenance tab setup for this SubContract
  • Clicking the "Retention" button will calculate the retention value for this claim, on a subcontract to date basis.
  • The Retentions are deducted from Claims on the SubContract, and added to a cost balance on the retention job, defined in the Control File. A Job Enquiry on this job shows cost transactions for all the subcontract claim retentions.
  • When you hit the "Calc Retention" button it calculates the retention at the bottom of the screen. You can edit the figure for This Claim if required.
  • With the Client Contract you can see the Sales Code and the Retention Job with SubContracts, this all happens behind the scenes based on the Control File Parameters.