New Claim

New Claim

  • The Claim Number is a default by incrementing from the previous claim. Click in the "Claim Date" for 'Today's Date' and the Due Date.
  • The Status is Entered and the Batch Number is the default Batch.
  • Details and received by Date can be entered if required.
  • You can specify a Voucher Number if a Voucher has already been processed.
  • Clicking on the Works Order dropdown displays a list of valid work Orders for this subcontract
  • Selecting one will take you to the Confirm Works Order screen


  • Claimable Work Order
  • Non - Claimable Work Order

Certified To Date
Certified to Date figures default from the Previous Claim. Change the To Date figures to process amounts for This Certified.

Claimed To Date
Enter The Claimed To Date figure. This is the amount requested / Claimed by the Subcontractor.

Once you are satisfied with the details of the claim press the Confirm button.

Many regulatory authorities require notification of differences between claims and certified payments.
If the Claim and Certification are different Workbench takes you to a Notification screen for detailed comment or analysis.


The Certification Details has two view. By Summary and by Detail.


  • Allows a Reason for the Unapproved amount for the whole Works Order. It forces you to have a reason before you can quit the screen. It is possible to change the Claimed to Date value and this will automatically flow back to the Confirm Works Order screen.


  • Forces you to give a reason for the Unapproved amount on every line. This is appropriate if the SubContractor has broken down their claim as per your original Works Order. The amount committed on the Original order is shown on the Certification screen.

The system forces you to have a reason before you can quit each of the detailed lines where the Claimed To Date is greater than the Certified To Date.. It is possible to change the Claimed to Date value on each line and this will automatically flow back to the Summary at the top of the screen and to the Confirm Works Order screen.

The object button allows an OLE object (eg, an Excel spreadsheet) to be linked to this Claim. Selecting object with each Certification Detail within the same claim will take you to the same object file.

Once you have finalized the details on the Certification Detail screen and quit the screen you will be returned to the Enter Subcontract Claims screen.

You need to press Calc Retentions to generate the retentions transaction.


Click on the Approved By drop down and select the appropriate person to approve this invoice.

Note that once a SubContract Claim is approved it has an Approved Status within the Default Batch.
Only Approved Status Claims can then be batched for export to the Financials as described in the "Batch SubContract Claims" section which follows.