- The concept of Road user Charges for Plant Items applies to New Zealand only.
- Charges are made per kilometer traveled by certain classes of vehicle. These Road user charges (RUC's) are purchased in advance representing kilometers purchased by individual vehicle. They are applied to a particular vehicle at time of purchase.
- The Plant module manages the recording of these RUC purchases, and the display of the unexpired balance of the RUC's.
In summary
Set up
- Make one of the Meter Codes a RUC Meter and Set up the Cumulative Meters in Plant Maintenance
- Set up the RUC's still to run through Job Adjustments
On Going
- Purchase RUC's direct to the Plant Item using the RUC Activity Code.
- Monitor how much pre paid RUC's are left as you do regular meter Readings and regular reports.
Road User Charge Meter
- One meter on the vehicle will be the designated Road User Charge meter, through the attachment of a Road User Charge Activity Code to the meter. This setup is done on the Plant Meters tab. Note that only one meter can be designated the RUC Meter.
- The dropdown for the Road User Charge Activity Code allows selection from all Activity Codes with Type = Purchase which are included in the Activity Group attached to this Plant Item. Select the appropriate code as described above