(Batch Type = Plant)
Note: Even though a Plant issue transaction is Revenue on the Plant Job and a cost on the "Productive Job" it is held as one transaction in the Job Transaction table within Workbench. The transaction is held on the Cost Job with a link through the Item ID to the Selling Plant Job.
DR GL Account (Job Transaction Table)
- If the DR GL Account on the job has an Account Code entered, then the expense is posted to that Account Code. Note that the full code is required i.e. includes the prefix, account number (or suffix)
- If the DR GL Account on the job is blank, and the DR GL Account of the Activity Code does not commence with the '@'symbol, then the expense is posted to GL Prefix of the Job Profit Centre + DR GL Account of the Activity Code + GL Suffix of Job Profit Centre
- If the DR GL Account on the job is blank, and the DR GL Account of the Activity Code commences with the '@'symbol (e.g. @WN.01.200) , then the expense is posted to that account e.g. WN.01.200
CR GL Account
- If the CR GL Account on the Plant Job has an Account Code entered, then the revenue is posted to that Account Code. Note that the full code is required i.e. includes the prefix, account number (or suffix)
- If the GL Code on the CR GL Account of the Activity Code is immediately preceded by the '@' symbol e.g. @WN.01.200, and the CR GL Account on the Job is blank, then the GL integration will go to the CR GL Account of the Activity Code, in this example WN.01.200, ignoring the GL Prefix or GL Suffix on the Profit Centre of the Plant Job.
- If the GL Code is not preceded by the '@' symbol e.g. 200, and the CR GL Account on the Plant Job is blank, then the GL integration will go to an account being the GL Prefix on the Profit Centre of the Plant Job + the CR GL Code on the Activity Code + GL Suffix on the Profit Centre of the Plant Job.