Security Groups
Every user is allocated to Security Groups that are appropriate to their role within the organisation.
The Security Group determines which menus can be accessed, which Reports can be viewed and which particular Administrative functions can be accessed. A Security Group may be used for any combination of Menu, Admin and Reports.
To set up the Security Groups go to Security Group Maintenance.
Note: A Workbench system will always come with an Admin Master Security Group. This is a high level security group that Workbench consultants use to maintain the system. When Workbench is upgraded this Security Group is always overwritten by the update scripts. DO NOT USE this Security Group for system users as any changes that you make will be lost at the next upgrade.
Use the Admin Master Security Group to copy to your own Super User Group and use this as the base for your specific requirements.
This will be the Security Group Name
This gives brief background details ion the purpose of this Security Group
Menus, Admin Functions, Reports
Tick the type of security this Security Group will be used for
This will create the Security Group but will be a shell only. You can manually create the Menu, add Admin Functions and Reports but this is a lengthy process. It is therefore suggested that you always copy from another Security Group, (often Admin Master) and then edit the content of the Group from there.
This process gives the ability to copy the specific menu, reports and Admin Functions from an existing Security Group to the highlighted group.
- Highlight the Security Group that you want updated
- Select the Security Group that you want to copy from.
You can delete Security Groups by removing all the ticks, highlighting the line and Deleting using the Delete key