


The Menu option to manually update is only available when Auto Copy Application is Configured and enabled.

The Menu Item is located in the 'Help' menu and is called 'Update Application'.

It is important to note that if someone is currently accessing the Workbench Application in a shared environment like Citrix or Terminal Server, the update will be 'Cued' to occur next time everyone exits the Workbench Application.


From time to time you may want to turn off Auto Copy Application functionality, for upgrades or test environments for example. This can be done either for everyone at a database level, or for a particular installed instance.

  • To turn off Auto Copy Application functionality for the whole database simply set the control parameter 'Application Auto Refresh Enabled' to 'No'.
  • To turn off Auto Copy Application functionality for a particular installed instance, configure the Windows Shortcut to include 'Refresh:False' as a parameter.


The shortcuts installed by the Installer (Version 7.30.1 and later) are configured by default to allow Auto Copy Application functionally once the Database Configuration and setup is complete.

To change the configuration of the shortcut, right click the shortcut from either the Windows 'Start' menu or Windows Explorer and click 'Properties'.

The parameters are edited in the 'Target' field.

Script Path & Workbench Application Path are required, Additional Parameters are Optional.

Target Example Syntax:

"C:\Program Files\Workbench\Scripts\Workbench.vbs" "C:\Program Files\Workbench\Live\Workbench.mde" "Refresh:True/False" "Relink: Server.Database" "Runtime:True/False" "AccessExe: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MsAccess.exe" "Workgroup: X:\Workbench\Security\System.mdw"

Script Path (required)

The folder & file path to Workbench.vbs

Application Path (required)

The folder & file path to the Workbench Application (.MDE)

Refresh (optional)

Instructs Workbench to Refresh Application (If Omitted, Assumed Default is 'True', used as an override to turn this functionality off)

Relink (optional)

Instructs Workbench to open the table relinking screen upon opening

Runtime (optional)

Instructs Microsoft Access to open Workbench in Runtime Mode if Full Access is installed on the local machine.

AccessExe (optional)

Specifies which version of Microsoft Access to open Workbench with.

Workgroup (optional)

Specifies which Workgroup (.mdw) file to open Workbench with if a Workgroup other than the default is required.


In the event that Auto Copy Application functionality is not working the following check list should assist in tracking down the issue. Please confirm that all of the following conditions are met:

  • The shortcut calls the Workbench.vbs script with the Workbench Application path specified correctly.
  • The Workbench Application (.MDE) must be located in the folder or a subfolder of the folder specified in the Install Directory Registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Workbench International Limited\Workbench\Program\Path' as created by the Installer.
  • Final Folder name on the local machine that the Workbench Application (.MDE) resides in must be identical to the Final Folder name specified in the 'Application Instance Location' control parameter.
  • Must be one and only one .MDE in the folder specified in the 'Application Instance Location' control parameter.
  • Either the Modified date on the .MDE in the folder specified in the 'Application Instance Location' control parameter must be newer than the date on the local server copy (.sc) file located in the local install directory for the instance or the size of the Workbench Application (.MDE) file is over the pecentage specified in the 'Application Replacement Size Threshold' when compared to the local server copy (.sc) file located in the local install directory for the instance.
  • No one is currently accessing the Workbench Application File (.MDE)
  • The shortcut is NOT configured with 'Refresh:False' as a parameter.