

Workbench Configuration

Three control parameters need to be set:

  • 'Application Auto Refresh Enabled' - Application Auto Refresh master switch, turns on or off the Application Auto Refresh feature that copies from the specified network location a new version of the Workbench Application file (Values: Yes, No).
  • 'Application Instance Location' - UNC Folder location for server copy of application. This should point to the Instance folder with in the apps directory. i.e. \\ServerName\Workbench\Apps\Live
  • 'Application Replacement Size Threshold' - Percentage representing Application (.MDE) expansion allowed before automatic refresh of the Application file is triggered. For example 0.5 means that the application can be 50% larger than the original copy before a replacement is done.

Environment Setup

  • The Application file (.MDE) must be located in the folder or a subfolder of the folder specified in the Install Directory Registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Workbench International Limited\Workbench\Program\Path' as created by the Workbench Installer.
  • The final folder name on local machine that .MDE resides in must be identical to the final folder name specified in the 'Application Instance Location' control parameter.
  • The Application must be opened from a shortcut configured to use Workbench.vbs


The Installer (Version 7.30.1 and later) will create the necessary Windows Menu shortcuts and install Workbench.vbs which is used for the Auto Copy Application Functionality.