Revenue Forecast Spread

Revenue Forecast Spread

After the Revenue Forecast has been generated, the revenue forecast spread can be entered by Job

Note: The horizontal scroll bar allows the user to scroll through the forecast periods for data entry, but that the first 4 columns are fixed so that it is always clear what Job Code is being looked at.

A checkbox manually ticked by the user to indicate that the forecast spread has been entered for the selected
line / Job

A checkbox manually ticked by the user to indicate that the forecast spread has been approved for the selected
line / Job

Job Code / Description
The Job Code and Description for the line forecast

The system created forecast line type created based on the Revenue Forecast Mode.
Options are Header All, Header Time, Header Other, All, Time and Other

To Bill
The Revenue Budget less Billing to Date. Double click on the value to display the basis of the calculation as below.

Note that if the Balance figure in this calculation is a negative value, then the To Bill figure will be 0.00, not the negative value. i.e. overbilling does not imply that a credit needs to be issued in the future

The sum of budgets with an Unapproved Variations Budget Type.

Billed This Per
Billings for the Forecast Year / Period, i.e. this month

To Spread
Calculated as To Bill - the sum of the entered spread values. This is automatically adjusted as the spreads are entered

Spread Total
The sum of the spread values that have been entered

Spread Var'ce
To Spread - Spread Total

Prior Periods
This is a display only of the total value of the revenue spread values entered for periods prior to the 'Start Display Period'. E.g. if a spread value of $10 was entered for period 2009/3 and the 'Start Display Period' was 2009/4 then the displayed Prior Periods value would include this $10 value

Individual Periods
The subsequent columns displayed are per period, for 24 periods beyond the ' Start Display Period'. The revenue spread values for each of the periods are manually entered into each column



When generating or refreshing Forecasts for the new period, and Billing has been completed (i.e. Balance to Bill equals 0), Forecast Spreads are not brought forward from the previous period.


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