Statement of Logic for PO and WO Approval.

Statement of Logic for PO and WO Approval.

Names in PO Approval List dropdown


Then Exclude

People.POApprover = -1



AND Total PO Value >= People.POLimit


People under this limit

AND If Control Parameter 'PO Purchaser Approver Differen' = Yes


Purchaser on the PO

AND if Control Parameter 'Control Over Budget PO' = Yes AND
This PO takes Job / WC/ Activity Code over budget


People with Admin Function 'Approve Over Budget PO' NOT granted

If Admin Function 'PO Approver Own Name Only' granted


Everyone except logged in user

Names in F3 Approval List for PO's – as for PO's except the last item


Then Exclude

People.POApprover = -1



AND Total PO Value >= People.POLimit


People under this limit

AND If Control Parameter 'PO Purchaser Approver Differen' = Yes


Purchaser on the PO

AND if Control Parameter 'Control Over Budget PO' = Yes AND
This PO takes Job / WC/ Activity Code over budget


People with Admin Function 'Approve Over Budget PO' NOT granted

If Admin Function 'PO Approver Own Name Only' granted

Ignore this Admin Function

Ignore this Admin Function

Names in Work Order Approval List dropdown


Then Exclude

People.POApprover = -1



AND Total PO Value >= People.POLimit


People under this limit

AND If Control Parameter 'WO Purchaser Approver Differen' = Yes


Purchaser on the WO

AND if Control Parameter 'Control Over Budget WO' = Yes AND
This WO takes Job / WC/ Activity Code over budget


People with Admin Function 'Approve Over Budget WO' NOT granted

If Admin Function 'PO Approver Own Name Only' granted


Everyone except logged in user